Moving slowly into the 21st Century with blogging and digital cameras, I will endeavor to share my recent trip to France and Italy.
Sunday Morning Walk in Ashland
Art Finding near the path . . . 
Surprised by deer on my way to the car |
News from Ashland, Oregon
Top of the news in the "Ashland Good Tidings" newspaper, Saturday, August 25, 2012. . . It's Blackberry season in Ashland . . . and more exciting news . . . a biologist from Oregon Fish & Game was back again to Ashland Creek today (as seen from my window). He along with a student intern (the student said that he is a student in Forestry from Southern Oregon University) set up their underwater camera again to see what's there. The camera spotted Coho Salmon, Sculpin and steelhead trout. The tourists were more excited about seeing the live shots of the fish in Ashland Creek than supporting the regular vendors who peddle their "stuff" every Saturday and Sunday next to this beautiful creek. It is all about the Wild Life Enhancement Program in Oregon, and what we can do to keep the rivers, streams and creeks clean.