We returned to Paris on Sunday, 25th of June and Carol "Sumi" and I checked into our hotel on rue Pascal. Monday morning we explored the Rue Mouffetard (two blocks away) and Sumi immediately got addicted to a pastry shop and its beautiful to look at goodies located at the top of the Mouf . . . Sumi went back there every day like church until we left for Menton on Friday, 30th of June. My favorite was the Jambon and cheese on French bread. The salads in France were incredible, some with fresh cheese, and the last one I had in Paris, on a very warm and humid evening, had a fried egg on top. Monday afternoon we met Anne-Marie at the Musee de Cluny and headed for the Pont-Neuf and the Seine River excursion. I hadn't taken the cruise in 2001, in part because I saw the barges loaded with tourists, and I didn't want to be part of that. Wrong. It was wonderful. In particular, because on our cruise the sky suddenly darkened and rain clouds gathered and then little droplets fell on us. It made the views of Paris even more romantic with the billowy clouds, etc. The docent pointed out all of the historic sites and spoke to us in English and then French. What she didn't tell us, Anne-Marie filled in. The three of us then made our way on foot over to 17 rue des Carmes Paris 5 to L'eglise Saint-Ephrem le Syrique de Paris (Eglise Catholique des Chretiens d'Orient) where Mathieu Lamboley was giving a recital: Chopin Quatere Impromptus, Ballade n 1; Valse en la mineur; Valse en fa mineur, and Ravel, Oiseeaux tristes et alborada del gracioso. The church itself is Italian architecture the original chapel was 1334. The mass is said in Aramaic (the language that Christ spoke). The church was remodled in 1733 and again in 1794.
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